Pricelist for booking your area on this page

Display Pixel Per month Normal Grafical
1 Display 470 x 150 Pixel $ 25,-- free $ 50,-- once ¹
2 Displays 470 x 300 Pixel $ 35,-- free $ 65,-- once ¹
3 Displays 470 x 450 Pixel $ 50,-- free $ 80,-- once ¹
4 Displays 940 x 300 Pixel $ 75,-- free $ 95,-- once ¹
6 Displays 940 x 450 Pixel $ 99,-- free $ 99,-- once ¹

¹ If you book more than on display, you have place for more text or complete grafical layout
For the booked keywords we guaranty a place on the first googlepage
Minimum rental is 3 month and is to be prepaid
For more information call us or send us an email
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